Wednesday 22 February 2017

Rich or poor, clean or dirty… Bedbugs can give you nightmares

By Olayinka Latona
CONTRARY to popular belief that bedbugs
are associated with filthy and dirty homes,
they are natural companions of people as
they feed on human and animal blood. As
long as there’s a source of blood available
to them, they will happily take up residence
in even the most pristine home. Bed bugs
don’t care how much money you make.
Being poor does not put you at greater risk
of bed bugs, and having wealth does not
immunize you. They hide wherever they can
easily feed on blood and that is why they
are brought into the house undetected
through luggage, clothing, used beds and
couches, and other items.
UNILAG students protesting the infestation
of their hostels by bedbugs and mosquitoes
on 28/9/2015
Their flattened bodies make it possible for
them to fit into tiny spaces and they do not
have nests like ants or bees, but tend to live
in groups in hiding places. Their initial
hiding places are typically in mattresses,
box springs, couches, bed frames, and
headboards where they have access to
people to bite in the night.
Bedbugs irritate and can cause you
embarrassment in the public and ignorant
people will think your home is dirty just like
a lady was embarrassed last week in Lagos
in a commercial bus. Mopelola (not real
name) was well dressed in her white top and
grey trousers and sat quietly in the front
seat with the driver.
Suddenly a young man from behind jolted
her that there was a brownish insect
walking around her shirt’s collar. The good
Samaritan helped Mopelola to pick the
insect, killed it and, surprisingly, blood
gushed out of the insect with the attendant
foul smell. The young man shouted: ‘it’s bed
bug, how come as beautiful as you are?’ All
eyes were on this damsel. Ashamed, she
quickly alighted at the next bus-stop.
Unfortunately, for many people, there are
many kinds of pests and insects that
accompany them home and are prospering
there. One of them is bedbug. It does not
have wings and relies on humans to carry it
from one place to another. It’s brown colour
makes it very visible when having nice time
on the host dress. Because it thrives only
on the blood of warm-blooded animals,
humans rank quite high on the list of the
host. It’s most active at night, feeding on
it’s victims while they sleep or watch
television and, the next morning, they are
left wondering why their bodies seriously
Where you can contact bedbug
Seating near someone that his or her
cloth is carrying it
Visiting houses infested with
bedbugs. You don’t have to enter the
bedroom. Just seating on a chair is
enough. •Inside airplane while
travelling and that is why your
clothing must be properly zipped in
your luggage bag.
In hotel room, hostels and wearing
other people’s clothes.
How to detect bed bug presence in your
Though, people sometimes mistake bedbugs
for teak, you may not see them until they
have invaded your bed, furniture and other
items in the house. They make their
presence felt by their bites. Most people do
not remember having been bitten because it
happens while they are asleep.
Typical symptoms are:
Itching with a burning sensation?
Rashes on arms, face, legs or back
Bites continuing in lines?
Note that bedbugs do not cause any
infection, but the bite itself can be pestering
and painful. They can trigger allergic
reactions and ramify skin infections. They
also have a devastating socio-economic
effect on residential and hotels infested by
these troublesome insects. They can also
adapt to temporary habitats like buses,
trains, cars and travel luggage.
If you are unable to spot them but you are
apprehensive that they are present in your
home, look for the trails. Their droppings
leave spots that are reddish brown just like
their colour. The droppings may sometimes
be in the form of tint bead.
What brings bed bugs?
Mostly, they are not a sign of a filthy home
or bad care. They are just natural
companions of people. They can become
invisible tour companions and can be
carried from home to home in furniture, on
clothes or even in home appliances. So, as
home makers that want your home to be a
good reflection of you, if you travel much or
bring in used clothes into the home, make
sure to wash them well in hot water and
examine all the fixtures for these bugs.
Getting rid of bugs
Getting rid of bed bugs is not as easy as
using a mosquito repellent. They have a
resilience that is unrivalled and even if it’s
just a few of them that survive; they are
bound to multiply again sooner than you
can expect. Discarding an entire lot of
furniture altogether is not a solution, for the
enemy may be hiding in your walls. So, you
have to look for them first; make a strategy
and then swing into action. Vacuum your
upholstery, mattresses and furniture; wash
your linen in disinfectants; and reach the
corners of your house as well as all the
furniture to kill them. Treatments that claim
100% eradication can be used but
professional services that are expertise in
this area can be consulted too.
I believe getting 100% eradication as home
makers depend on how proactive you are!
The best solution is to prevent it from
coming to your house by all means.

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